This is european portuguese lesson. In this episode you will practise with me small talk in portuguese. This lesson reviews content from episodes 1-6. This is lesson 7, dedicated to beginners.
Today, on 5th of May 2020, world for the first time is celebrating World Portuguese Language Day – Dia Mundial da Lingua Portuguesa. The event is online due to current health situation. Let’s make the best of it and celebrate together!
This is european portuguese lesson. In this episode you will find basic information about the verb to be – SER and you will learn its conjugation. This is lesson 6, dedicated to beginners.
This is european portuguese lesson. In this episode you will find information about regular and reflexive verb – CHAMAR-SE. This is lesson 5, dedicated to beginners.
This is european portuguese lesson. In this episode you will find basic information about one of the verb to be – ESTAR and you will learn its conjugation. This is lesson 4, dedicated to beginners.
This is european portuguese lesson. In this episode you are going to learn how to ask and answer to the question what’s your name in portuguese. This is lesson 3, dedicated to beginners.
This is european portuguese lesson. In this episode I teach how to ask and answer to the question “how are you?” in portuguese. This is lesson 2, dedicated to beginners.
This is european portuguese lesson. In this episode I will teach you how to say hello and goodbye in portuguese both in formal and informal manner. This is lesson 1 dedicated to beginners.