This is European Portuguese lesson. In this episode you will repeat and broaden informations about verb to be – ESTAR and you will learn how to ask and answer to the question – where are you in Portuguese. Therefore, you will be also presented preposition – EM, which means in, at. This is lesson 17, dedicated to beginners.
This is European Portuguese lesson. In this episode you will learn new vocabulary – names of different places in Portuguese such as school, bank, cities. This is lesson 16, dedicated to beginners.
This is European Portuguese lesson. In this episode you will learn new regular verb in present tense – trabalhar, which means to work, and you will find simple examples of its use. This is lesson 15, dedicated to beginners.
This is European Portuguese lesson. In this episode you will learn how to ask and answer to the question – what’s your proffesion? – in portuguese. Therefore, you will learn different professions in portuguese. This is lesson 14, dedicated to beginners.
This is european portuguese lesson. In this episode you will repeat 3 last lessons by having chit-chat with me in portuguese. You will find here questions like: what’s your name?, how are you? where are you from? what languages do you speak? followed by answers. This is lesson 13, dedicated to beginners.
This is european portuguese lesson. In this episode you will learn how to ask and answer to the questions what language do you speak and what languages do you speak? This is lesson 12, dedicated to beginners.
This is european portuguese lesson. In this episode you will repeat verbs in present tense Presente do indicativo and you will learn new, regular verb – falar. This is lesson 11, dedicated to beginners.
This is european portuguese lesson. In this episode you will learn diferent nationalities and you will be able to ask and answer to the question what’s your nationality in portuguese. This is lesson 10, dedicated to beginners.
This is european portuguese lesson. In this episode you will learn how to ask and answer to the question where are you from? in portuguese. This is lesson 9, dedicated to beginners.