I’m karolinti and this is European Portuguese lesson for beginners. In this episode you will practise grammar and learn new vocabulary – five different verbs in Portuguese that mean to eat. Every verb is conjugated and presented with examples. This is lesson lesson 49 dedicated to beginners. This is CIPLE (Certificado Inicial de Português Língua Estrangeira) Portuguese Language Test preparation, which is a mandatory for foreign individuals who want to obtain Portuguese citizenship. Thanks for your film and photos: All sounds – Rewind Sound Effects All Sounds Photo by Hannah Xu on Unsplash Photo by Towfiqu barbhuiya on Unsplash.
I’m karolinti and this is European Portuguese lesson for beginners. In this episode you will practise your speaking skills by learning how to ask and answer to questions what do you eat and drink for breakfast, lunch and dinner in Portuguese. This is lesson lesson 48 dedicated to beginners. This is CIPLE (Certificado Inicial de Português Língua Estrangeira) Portuguese Language Test preparation, which is a mandatory for foreign individuals who want to obtain Portuguese citizenship.
In this episode you will learn basic food vocabulary in Portuguese. Presented words are products that you and me eat very often, if not every day. Knowing them will help you in making simple sentences and questions about food and drinks. This is lesson lesson 47 dedicated to beginners. Thanks for your fotos and films: Genérico – “Morangos Com Açúcar I” Morangos Tube Photo by Lars Blankers on Unsplash Photo by Mitchell Luo on Unsplash Intro and Outro Music: Twin Musicom: Old Bossa – under license Creative Commons Attribution
In this episode I proudly present to you my students. 😀 I ask my girls to pick up a question and respond to it. These questions were a good revision of our 30 lessons together. Some of them were very easy, very basic but there were also some questions that made my students think twice before answering. As minhas alunas😀 made such a great progress in learning Portuguese. Only 4 months ago they didn’t speak a word. Of course, some errors occurred but it is a part of learning process. To be honest it wasn’t easy for me to persuade my students in participating in this video ☺️ but I think they did a great job! What do you recon? Let me know in comments!
In this episode instead of giving you another European Portuguese lesson, I share with you my personal experience in search of the cure for heartbreak, stress and even pandemic. Maybe this cure will work on you? Watch and try at home – it’s safe 🙂 Let me know what do you think of my cure in comments. If you want to support my channel or learn Portuguese with me just visit website: karolinti.com
In this episode I show you examples of regular verbs with -ER ending (such as comer, beber, escrever, viver ect.) and its conjugations and use in sentences and questions. Verbs with -er ending are introduced after information about present tense – Presente do Indicativo, its use and divisions. This is lesson lesson 45 dedicated to beginners.
This time, I would like to introduce to you some basic vocabulary – furnitures and house equipment. This is lesson 44 dedicated to beginners. This episode was sponsored by website karolinti.com 😉